04 Dec 2016
On the second day of XP Days 2016 Benelux, I attended the Holacracy session by Martin van Dijken and Jeff Kok.
They have shared their slides if you’re interested.
In this session, they showed us how to evolve our scrum team by adding some core Holacracy concepts, and they did this by making us build a zoo!
I can’t recall a genuine introduction to Holacracy or something about it’s origin.
We talked a bit about what Holacracy would bring to the table, being purpose, roles, strategies and evolutionary change.
We elaborated a few minutes on purpose, which gives us an alternative to
04 Dec 2016
On the second day of XP Days 2016 Benelux, I attended the Sociocracy 3.0 session by Jef Cumps and Johan Decoster from iLean.
This session was about getting to know the basics of Sociocracy 3.0, or S3 in short.
We also got our hands dirty on an S3 technique called driver mapping.
S3 is a pretty young framework, built around passion and innovation.
It’s a principles-based pattern-language, for more conscious, passionate and effective collaboration.
You can interpret pattern-language as a backpack full of
29 Nov 2016
On the evening of the first day of XP Days 2016 Benelux, there was an unofficial track where Rob Westgeest and Marc Evers from QWAN wanted to do a dry-run of a future presentation.
This session started at 9pm and ended at 10.30pm :-)
I had planned to go to my hotel after dinner and blog about my experiences during the first day, but during dinner I had an interesting talk with Rob and I decided I wanted to see the dry-run.
Their talk was about a project that consisted of a monolith
27 Nov 2016
On the first day of XP Days 2016 Benelux, I attended a hands-on session called The 4 levels of the skill matrix.
The session was facilitated by Annelies De Meyere and Jeremy Naus, both from Co-Learning.
We were split up into teams of about 5 people and the given context was that each team would have to go build the next xpdays website.
Our mission during this session was to create a 4-level skill matrix for our team.
Level 1: skills & team members
We started off by deciding which 8 skills would be the most important to get the job done.
The skills we had to choose were hard skills, but you could also do this for soft skills or even functional domains.
We were also given a few predefined roles (e.g. UX designer, DB expert, …) to simplify the exercise.
We plotted all the skills
26 Nov 2016
All used images are clickable and clicking them leads to their source.
On the first day of XP Days 2016 Benelux, I attended the Real Time Coaching workshop given by agile coach Dajo Breddels and hypnotherapist Wijnand van Colle.
Their intent was to give us some insights from Neuro-Science and combine that with